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Elderly man can’t hear because his hearing aid needs a new battery.

Hearing aids have been shown to improve your health in unsuspected ways including increasing cognitive function, reducing depression, and limiting your chance of falling. Which is why it can be so irritating when these devices fail to function properly. The difference between a pleasant dinner with family or a terrible time can be made by discovering a fast remedy when your hearing aid begins screeching with feedback or quits altogether.

Luckily, there are some practical troubleshooting steps you can take that may alleviate or address some typical hearing aid problems. The sooner you determine what’s going on with your hearing aid, the sooner you can go back to what’s important.

Maybe The Batteries Need to be Changed

One of the most prevalent issues with hearing aids is a low battery. Many hearing aids have rechargeable batteries. Changeable batteries are standard on other hearing aids. Here are some of the symptoms that may give you a clue that the batteries are the bad guy when your device goes on the fritz:

  • Weak sounds: You’re struggling to hear what’s taking place around you and that seems to be occurring more and more.
  • Dull sound quality: It feels like somebody is talking to you underwater or from across the room.
  • Hearing aids won’t turn on: If your hearing aid doesn’t turn on, or keeps shutting off, there’s a good possibility the battery is the main problem.

Some solutions:

  • Replace the batteries if your hearing aid is designed to allow that. In some situations, rechargeable batteries are sealed inside of the device, and if that’s the situation, you might need to bring the hearing aid to a professional.
  • Make sure the batteries are fully charged. If your hearing aid comes with rechargeable batteries, let them charge for several hours or overnight.
  • Check twice to make certain the correct batteries are installed. Your hearing aid can be damaged by the wrong battery. (Sometimes, the wrong type of battery can be purchased in the right size, so double-checking is essential.)

Every Surface Needs to be Cleaned

Obviously, hearing aids log a lot of time inside your ears. And there’s a lot happening in there (your ears are like party rooms, only more hygienic). So it’s no surprise that your hearing aids will get somewhat dirty while helping you hear. In spite of the fact that hearing aids are designed to deal with some earwax, it’s a practical idea to have them cleaned once in a while. Here are some of the problems that can come from too much buildup:

  • Discomfort: Earwax can accumulate to the point where the fit of your hearing aid becomes a little tight. Occasionally, the plastic in the molds will harden and need to be replaced.
  • Muffled sound: Earwax and other buildup can cause your hearing aid to sound like it’s buried beneath something.
  • Feedback: The feedback canceling function on your hearing aid can be interrupted by earwax buildup causing a whistling sound.

Here’s what you do about it:

  • Taking your hearing aid to a professional for routine upkeep is an essential procedure.
  • Clean your hearing aid lightly in the way that the manufacturer has instructed.
  • Maintain the filter by checking it and, when needed, replacing it.
  • Double-check the tip of the hearing aid to make certain it’s not covered or blocked by debris or earwax. Clean with your cleaning tool or as advised by the manufacturer’s instructions.

You May Simply Need Some Time

Sometimes, the issue isn’t a problem with the hearing aid. When your brain isn’t used to hearing the outside world, it can take some time to adjust to your new hearing aids. As your mind adapts, you might notice that some sounds are unpleasantly loud (the hum of the refrigerator, for example). You might also notice that certain consonant sounds might seem overly pronounced.

These are all indications that your brain is racing to catch up to auditory stimuli again and, in time, you’ll adapt.

But it’s important to get help with any problems before too much time goes by. Your hearing aids should make your life more enjoyable, so if things aren’t working the way they should be, or your hearing aids are uncomfortable, give us a call, we can help.

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