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Man with hearing loss looks concerned but won't get hearing aids.

Your life can be profoundly affected by hearing loss, in a way that goes beyond the inability to hear. Having trouble performing daily activities, and strained relationships are some examples of the overall effect of loss of hearing.

A study carried out by AARP found that quality of life is more seriously impacted by hearing loss than:

  • Diabetes
  • Stroke
  • Cancer
  • Obesity

There are lots of people who don’t get help with their hearing loss despite the fact that it negatively impacts their lives. Researchers have found that a lot of people experiencing hearing loss are still worried about a perceived stigma attached to it. People are worried they will be treated differently if others find out they suffer from hearing loss. This perception can distort how they see themselves whether they are young or old.

It’s Not Only You

Even though it can impact people of any age, it is true that as lifespans grow longer there are more instances of hearing loss. The World Health Organization reports that there are more than 1.1 billion people, a lot of them young adults, at risk of hearing loss and the perceived perception that comes with it. As a matter of fact, hearing loss is one of the most widespread health issues adults deal with. Persistent resistance to getting help continues even while the number of people who suffer from hearing loss grows. How is one’s overall health impacted?

What is The Perception of Hearing Loss?

By definition, stigma means a brand that marks someone as inferior and that pretty much says it all. Feeling older, less healthy, and less able are worries that many with hearing loss have.

Historically, there is some foundation for this worry. A 2010 study found people were not as well accepted when they had hearing loss. But the data from this research is almost a decade old. As hearing loss is becoming more common, this perception is changing. Celebrities openly wear hearing aids and the devices are becoming more cutting edge, stylish, and fun. Other health problems relating to aging, such as cognitive decline and dementia could be delayed or even prevented by getting treatment, according to research. This is also helping to change the perception. And still, despite changing perceptions, many people still are reluctant to get treatment.

Does it Even Matter?

Don’t permit your anxiety about negative perception keep you from getting help or you may suffer long-term health consequences. People get colonoscopies, according to an AARP survey, more often than they get hearing tests. Not getting a hearing exam because you won’t recognize your hearing loss will affect your health as you get older.

Untreated Hearing Loss, What Are The Consequences?

Your overall health will be affected by these physical consequences;


Finding it difficult to hear makes just about everything in life more challenging. You have to work more than others to hear conversations and sounds. It becomes necessary to put more effort into keeping safe, also, because you can’t hear that car coming or someone walking behind you. You will become chronically fatigued simply by trying to hear common sounds.

Common Headaches and Migraines

You can suffer from headaches and migraines if you have too much fear and stress. Studies have shown a link, though you might not have realized there was a connection, between certain forms of hearing loss and migraines. Even if you don’t normally get migraines, your brain has to compensate for what you can’t hear, and that constant struggle can cause your head to hurt.

Mental Health

Anxiety and depression are some mental health concerns you could also end up facing as a consequence of untreated hearing loss. Hearing loss could increase social isolation and has even been connected to dementia. Moodiness and reduced energy levels go along with these other issues.

The Negative Perception of Hearing Loss Can be Overcome

Surmounting these negative perceptions starts with getting help. It is possible to treat hearing loss. Your only creating your own hardship by not seeking help.

Not all hearing loss is permanent, either, so you could be stressing out for no reason. Simple earwax buildup can result in hearing loss, but you can’t be certain unless you make an appointment to have your hearing checked.

If you find out you do have hearing loss, you need to deal with it. Hearing aids come in many style options now. You can get devices that are less obvious if your nervous about people learning you have hearing loss.

Finally, prove them wrong. You can wear your hearing aids with confidence because when you can hear, you will be just as active and healthy as anyone else. The perception of people who have hearing loss will be changed if you act this way. Raise awareness and stay healthy by not giving in to negative perceptions.

Hearing loss is not a personal weakness it’s a medical condition. Get your hearing tested today.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.
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